Lead Full Stack Engineer
Full Time
2/23/2023 - Present
Refactored existing designs and create Back End for domain/website management product with integrations with Stripe, SendGrid, and OpenAI.
<li>Refactor existing Front End code and design/implement new code for new features</li>
<li>Create entire Back End of product with NodeJS and Express</li>
<li>Create, design, and manage AWS S3 integration for static assets and user content</li>
<li>Design, maintain and integrate MS SQL Server DB with product application</li>
<li>Design and implement new Internet-facing application to host user sites</li>
<li>Administrate and deploy applications on Windows 10 Server with IIS</li>
Full Stack Engineer
MP Consultores SAS
7/1/2022 - 12/31/2022
Redesign company site, develop Back End upgrades (MySQL DB, S3 storage), and create separate web applications for distinct purposes
<h3 id="responsibilities">Responsibilities</h3>
<li>Redesign the official site's Front End and refactor the existing Back End code for greater maintainability and scalability, and better readability.</li>
<li>Create AWS S3 bucket to host all static images displayed on the site.</li>
<li>Design and maintain MySQL database instance deployed on AWS' RDS service.</li>
<li>Expand site's capabilities with brand new features (database storage and connection to site, email notifications, etc).</li>
<li>Design and develop new admin section with built-in, custom Content Management System, connected to RDS MySQL database and S3 bucket for static file (images) storage.</li>
<li>Deploy new admin site app to company VPS on custom subdomain.</li>
<li>Design and develop special web app for company clients to create, track and manage progress of custom software development processes.</li>
Full Stack Engineer
Full Time
8/30/2021 - 12/31/2022
Designed company site and built NodeJS Back End with MailChimp, Stripe Checkout integrations with AWS cloud products (RDS, S3, and EC2)
<h3 id="responsibilities">Responsibilities</h3>
<li>Write the server side code in JavaScript (NodeJS/ExpressJS)</li>
<li>Implement the design using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.</li>
<li>Implement SEO best practices with tools like Google Analytics and Search Console.</li>
<li>Manage the remote code repository on GitHub for both the local environment and the AWS EC2 instance.</li>
<li>Track code versions using Git with GitHub.</li>
<li>Create a custom Content Management System to manage insights, administrators, and other content of the website.</li>
<li>Connect to, insert, retrieve and display information from MySQL Amazon RDS instance.</li>
<li>Deploy the web app to an AWS EC2 server on Amazon Linux 2 with PM2 and the NGINX web server and reverse proxy.</li>
<li>Reimplement site's Back End following OOP principles and MVC design pattern for greater code readability and maintainability.</li>
<li>Write unit tests with Jest.</li>
<li>Create secure REST API with JSON Web Tokens and HTTP Authorization.</li>
Full Stack Web Developer
MP Consultores SAS
Full Time
6/1/2020 - 7/31/2021
Redesigned website and migrated Back End from PHP to NodeJS, created integration with MailChimp and deployed web app to Ubuntu 20.04 VPS
<h3 id="responsibilities">Responsibilities</h3>
<li>Design the website's Front End on Canva.</li>
<li>Create the Back End logic of the web app with JavaScript (NodeJS/ExpressJS).</li>
<li>Write the HTML5, CSS3, and JS/ES6 code to implement the agreed upon design.</li>
<li>Implement SEO best pratices for on- and off-page factors, including Google Analytics and Search Console.</li>
<li>Manage the remote code repository on GitHub for both the local environment and the VPS server.</li>
<li>Track code versions using Git with GitHub.</li>
<li>Deploy the company's app using NGINX and PM2 on Linux Ubuntu 20.04.</li>